Sunday 6 April 2014

The 1975 Album Review

If you're anything like me then you love the majority of chart music. Yes I said it. I may have sinned in doing so but nevertheless it is true. Usually every 2-3 weeks I scan the UK Top 40 to see if there are any newcomers as I really like to keep up-to-date with music. I refresh my 'To Listen To' playlist probably more often than is healthy but I like to stay in the loop. 

As a result of this regular routine I came across The 1975's single 'Chocolate' last year and fell in love with the track. I'm not really one of those people who has a specific favourite genre of music; I like a wide variety. I do like a bit of pop, soft rock, indie, electronic and some hip-hop too. 'Chocolate', for me, was just one of those songs you listen to as little as twice and completely just have a feel for. 

It took me several months of listening to the single (I listen to it even now and it has the same effect on me: I am still not sick of it) before I even thought to find out if The 1975 had other singles or even an album. Their debut album was released September 2nd 2013 but I only purchased it January of this year. 

Now let me tell you, I have been listening to this album for nearly 4 months and I cannot get enough. I must have replayed each song an infinite amount of times and am still in love with all of them.

As I said I love all of the songs from the album but the ones I particularly listen to a lot are The City, Girls, Sex, Talk!, M.O.N.E.Y and Pressure. The 1975 are described as an alternative rock band and the album does completely encapsulate the genre to a T. 

Besides the tracks on the album, another thing I cannot get enough of is the leader singer, Matt Healy's voice. He has such a raw and stripped-down vocal and it coheres so effectively with the instrumentals of each song. Admirably the band write their own songs too which is unsurprisingly not a common thing for artists/bands/groups to do in the music industry anymore. 

The 1975 are actually in the middle of their worldwide tour and to my dismay I have been unfortunate not to know anything about it until a few weeks ago. But there's always next year - hopefully!

I would give the album overall a 4.5 star rating. It's great so definitely give it a listen.

Here are my two favourite songs to get you started!

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