Sunday 6 July 2014

My Week in Pictures

Recently I've been inspired by a lot of different bloggers and although I've seen this type of post featured on several blogs over the years, Uglyfaceofbeauty's blog influenced me to do a post of this sort.

In today's post I'm going to share with you a few snaps I've taken throughout my week and summarise the last 7 days. I didn't take a picture every day, but just when I thought it would be symbolic of something significant I've enjoyed or been doing.

1). The first picture shows my iPad - kind of self-explanatory. I haven't used by iPad a great deal since I got my new smartphone for Christmas, which is a sin considering how much the things cost! However, I dusted it off from under my bed and have been really enjoying reading and discovering several new blogs on it. Sometimes my smartphone screen isn't quite large enough, but with an iPad it's perfect magazine/notebook size that is easily readable. Some blogs I've been loving recently are Deliciously Ella, Lady Smart, Green Kitchen Stories and once again Uglyfaceofbeauty

2). Secondly, the picture showing the scrambled egg on toast was my creation earlier this week - yes yes, I know, truly exquisite. Needless to say scrambled egg doesn't require a great deal of skill to make, but I was getting bored of cereal and toast so I thought I'd mix things up a little and try to make something I'd never made before. It came out pretty well and I decided to add a few bits of cress and a touch of tomato sauce to give it a little flavour. 

3). Next image shows the book The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I'd refused prior to give into the hype about this book but since the film came out in cinema and hype was constantly ongoing I caved and decided to just read it. I was blown away by this book completely, it really is a beautiful story. Even if you're not a massive fan of reading I highly recommend you give this book a shot - you'll be pleasantly surprised. P.S. I love Augustus Waters.

4). Another dish this time - not cooked by me, and it looks about a million times better. My family and I went out for a meal to a local pub/restaurant just for a change and I ordered vegetable tagliatelle with a chicken breast and salad. I'm trying to be somewhat healthy so I thought this option was steering in the right direction. At least I hope. It was yummy though!

5). Last but not least I've been packing for my holiday to Majorca which is tomorrow. I can't believe it! When I was booking it it felt like years away, but here it is. Thankfully I'm all prepared, clothes, makeup, shoes, books, bags, and all the rest are packed and ready to meet me on the beautiful Spanish island. Hello sunshine! 

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